KO YAMADA , Photography / Media Artist
i met you
and i say good-bye to your face
take care
see you tomorrow
someday, you will be gone
i may not be able to ascertain your disappearance
i even have to leave my absence to someone
all i know
will be your face
on the day we met
Spécimen d'adieu
(Specimen of Good-byes or Sayonara no Oshibana) series is a conceptual presentation of absences of beings. Photography usually be able to represent one’s presence but absence. However, an image of empty space can only represent it’s emptiness but specific being’s disappearance. In this series of portraits, shot on the ground with live flowers, the gazes of one in photos are fixed permanently slightly off from viewers.
Attentions and reactions make us be aware about ones being and at the same time be aware about ourselves. By fixed ignorance of being, photography is able to talk about our absence.
The series represents confrontations to our absences.
→ website of Yamada, Ko
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